Graupner MX-12 & X-Ufo


Airplane or Helicopter Mode

You can fly the x-ufo as 'airplane' or 'helicopter'. With the mechanical gyro the helicopter mode is the better choice, as in this case it is easier to trim nick.
If you use the X-3D piezo gyro there is no need to trim and the airplane is the better model type with the X-3D, as you are able to program channel 6 for the camera connector.


After programming the transmitter and before you use it with the x-ufo for the first time, you have to hold the x-ufo tight to the ground. A bug in the programming and the transmitter might send "full throttle" and the ufo will be wrecked at the roof. After a _full_ function check on the ground, you can do your first flight with the MX-12!


- You need to know how to program the MX-12 => read the MX-12 manual.

- You need to rework the MX-12 so that throttle is on the left stick as it is in the original x-ufo transmitter. For that the ratched has to be moved from the right to the left stick (manual page 10).

- Use a "fresh" model memory i.e. one with all settings in factory state.

Common Settings

* Model Type: Airplane or Helicopter (manual page 37 [Model Type])

* Stick Mode: Mode 1 !!! (manual page 38 [Stick Mode])

* Reverse: Yaw and Roll have to be reversed (manual page 19 or 26 [Reversing SW])
 - "THR 1: Throttle" = Nick
 - "AIL 2: Aileron"  = Roll, needs to be reversed
 - "ELE 3: Elevator" = Throttle
 - "RUD 4: Rudder"   = Yaw, needs to be reversed
the reversing switch menu will show:
 GEA:N   FLA:N  or PIT:N

* Four Switches: "Throttle Hold, Flap/Mix", "Elev D/R", "AILE D/R" and "Flight Mode, Gear"

I recommend the "control grip" : put thumb and forefinger of both hands on the four switches and pull them together.

If you do so, channel 5 and 6 are in a "save state". Otherwise the ufo might crash while flying!

Special Settings

X-Ufo with function
special case nick trim

reset gyro to factory settings
set channel 5 and 6 to "-100" (might prevent some problems)

camera connector (only with airplane)

Tips and Tricks

- ufo increases/decreases height while you yaw (& nick & roll) => mix yaw & nick & roll with throttle


Setup V5.1 2007-05-27
+ improved X-3D camera connector programming, now switches from -100 to -50

Setup V5.0 2007-01-15
+ first english version (2007.02.20)
